Giving Advice and Support for People in Emotional Distress


Raising awareness about addictive behaviours, suicide, mental health, domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Providing non-judgemental supportive services guided by those with lived experience to help people grow in confidence and raise to the challenges they face.

We do this by supporting people in emotional distress and their families with practical support and counselling services.


Our Team

Volunteers, counsellors and therapists give support to a wide range of people struggling with issues such as unemployment, homelessness, domestic abuse and sexual violence, low self esteem, suicide, poverty and substance misuse.


Our Services

Face to face and telephone counselling, coffee groups and practical support with benefits, job applications, finding shelter and signposting to other services.

Over the years we have established an excellent reputation locally for providing confidential, non-judgemental advice and support.  We have worked independently and with a number of partners to deliver successful projects supporting local people in Wakefield, Castleford and surrounding areas.

Image of the body of a woman with hands clasped listening to someone else.
Image of two arms reaching towards one another and holding hands

Photo by Anna Shvets  on Pexels

Image of a white man with a beard sat on a brown leather sofa with head in hands

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

“Our Mission is to raise awareness about addictive behaviours, mental health and male victims of sexual and domestic violence, by providing non-judgemental, supportive services to encourage service users to grow in confidence and raise to the challenges they face.

How we work

Gasped is a confidential service with an excellent reputation for delivering counselling services in the community and the evidence is that demand for these services will continue to grow. Our non-clinical, person centred approach empowers our service users to shape their own recovery with the support of volunteers who often have lived experience.

Gasped will continue to develop initiatives, focusing on the more deprived areas of West Yorkshire, as measured by the Index of Multiple Deprivation. Gasped will deliver support for the vulnerable members of the community and develop partnerships with local organisations to deliver those initiatives.

Our Mission

Raise awareness about addictive behaviours, mental health and male victims of sexual and domestic violence, by providing non-judgemental, supportive services to encourage service users to grow in confidence and raise to the challenges they face.

Our Vision

To develop bespoke practical and emotional health support, which meets the current needs of vulnerable people and to be an early intervention model of support for others. Focussing on, not exclusively, male victims/survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence. To be here to avoid mental health crisis by listening, counselling, advising and empowering people to make positive changes to their lives.

Our Aims and Objectives

Our Aims and Objectives: GASPED aims to be a sustainable charity and company limited by guarantee, providing practical help, information and support to parents, partners, families, and carers for people with mental health problems, male victims of domestic abuse, and to challenge poverty and deprivation by:

● Delivering a whole family approach which is outcome focussed.

● Facilitating and supporting the development of carers, parent and family support groups within Yorkshire and developing effective information sharing networks between those groups.

● Developing and providing programmes of training and education in order to raise awareness of the impact of mental health and domestic abuse within communities.

● Consulting and researching BAME groups with the aim of continuous improvement of engagement and support.

● Providing therapies, counselling, advice, information and advocacy available in our Resource Centres, and within communities unable to access the centre.

● Contribute towards building individual and community resilience.

● Contribute towards the relief of poverty in the community.

● Partnership working with local organisations.


Our Story

How We Got Started

GASPED was established in 1995. The service was created as a result of one parent’s experience of living, caring for and supporting her son who was addicted to drugs. As a result of recognising the isolation, fear, guilt, shame and stigma, a support group and helpline were established to help and support others in similar circumstances.

This service and support expanded to providing peer group support meetings, a grandparent’s support group a well being centre offering complimentary therapies, creative workshops and one to one sessions of counselling.

Where We Are Now

Over the years supporting families in crisis in Wakefield and surrounding areas has meant that GASPED have developed a wealth of experience supporting people with the wide range of practical and emotional issues that are linked to alcohol and substance misuse.  These include domestic violence, low self-esteem, unemployment, suicide and homelessness to mention a few.

Today the charity remit is much broader. We work with male victims/survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence, . We support them to build emotion resilience, self esteem and help them with issues such as poverty and isolation.

Become a Volunteer Today

GASPED relies on the hard work and dedication of volunteers. With over 20 counsellors providing support free of charge to people in need and many others offering their time to support the charity with marketing, administration and leadership.  If you would like to join our team click on the link below to find out more.


Join Now

Empowering People and  Families Since 1995


People Supported

Years of Service

Currently Helping People in the Wakefield District and Surrounding areas.

GASPED is dedicated to improving the lives of people in West Yorkshire. Through our team of counsellors and our partnerships with other organisations we work hard to reach out to those struggling with mental health issues and offer them a safe space to talk.

Donate Today! Any amount is appreciated

Is your service free?

Yes, you can access all our services free of charge.  We are a charity so you can make a donation by visiting our donations page.

Is your service Confidential?

Absolutely and non judgemental.  We want you to feel safe when you talk to us so anything you disclose will not be shared with any other person or organisation. If you use our helpline you do not even have to give your name.

If you decide to access our service on a regular basis we will ask you if it is ok to contact you by email, letter or phone call. You can decline all of these if you wish. However if you do decide to say yes to phone calls our number comes up as a blocked number and if someone else picks up the phone we do not leave any details of where we are calling from unless you are happy for us to do so.

When we may break confidentiality:-

If you directly ask us to pass on some information to persons or an organisation or any safeguarding issue that we feel puts you or someone else in danger.

How do I make the first appointment?

You can self refer, or if you are already involved in a service based in Wakefield they can refer you if you would prefer. We know that sometimes it is hard making taking that initial step. All you have to do is call our office on 01924 787501 to make an appointment or use our contacts page and e-mail us your details and we will get in touch with you.

Are you just based in Wakefield city centre?

No. We have a number of services that can be accessed across the district. If you wish to have your first appointment in the area you live then that isn’t a problem when you call us just ask. We also have MAN MATTERS Coffee Groups in Wakefield Centre, South Elmsall and Airedale. We can offer counselling and one to one appointments in any community base across Wakefield.

I feel nervous about getting in touch and making that first step.

This is perfectly normal and a lot of people feel nervous on that first appointment.  Your first appointment will be with one of our specially trained members of staff and it will allow you to talk about your circumstances, it’s up to you how much information you want to share at this stage and you may feel better sharing more as you access our service more regularly. We will talk to you about all our services and you can access as many as you want or none at all.

Do GASPED work with perpetrators as well as victims?

GASPED do not work with people who have previous perpetrator offences. If you are not eligible to access our service, we will signpost you to another provider who can meet your needs.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

To find out more about the work of GASPED or to get involved please contact us.

5a Cheapside, Wakefield, WF1 2SD

01924 787501

Contact Us

If you would like to contact the team at Gasped to find out more about the work we do or volunteer to help. Please use the contact form or visit us on any of our social media pages.

Please note: our mailboxes and social media pages are NOT monitored 24/7.

To refer, call our office or return a completed referral form to our email.

    GASPED Office