What we do
Over the years supporting families in crisis in Wakefield and surrounding areas Gasped have developed a wealth of experience helping people cope with a wide range of issues. These include domestic violence, low self-esteem, unemployment, suicide and homelessness.
Click here to refer into our services and return form to our email: resourcecentre@gasped.co.uk / manmatters@gasped.co.uk OR call our office 01924 787501/01924 787507 open Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:00. – We do NOT offer drop in referrals.
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Current Projects

Providing 1-2-1 Support, Counselling and Coffee Groups for anyone living in the Wakefield District who is over 18 and identifies as Male.
For help, call: 01924 787507

Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
Providing 1-2-1 support, advice, information and counselling. We can also signpost to other services and liaise on your behalf if required.
For help, call: 01924 787501

Male Victims of Sexual Abuse
We offer a West Yorkshire wide service for male victims of Sexual Abuse, giving them a safe space to openly talk. Providing, practical & emotional support and person centred counselling.
For help, call: 01924 787501

Here for You
Providing an out of hours service to the people who are in crisis. The helpline provides practical and emotional support to those who are feeling isolated, alone and struggling with mental health issues. The confidential helpline is open every night from 6pm to midnight.
For help, call: 07776 962 815
Past Projects
Support for families of prisoners
Content to go here
The Peat Project
Working alongside Reflections House in Castleford and The Community Cabin, GASPED supported people who were furthest away from the job market by offering practical and emotional support with benefits, housing and internet access to enable people who have been long term unemployed to get into training and employment.
Postcards from Wakefield
In collaboration with other members of the Positive Mental Health Network GASPED put forward a bid for funding to pilot a project called Postcards from Wakefield. Based on a programme run in San Francisco in the USA it aimed to reduce the stigma of mental health challenges, promote the benefits of self help and raise awareness of the organisations in the network and the work they do.
Local people where encouraged to write short positive stories/poems/postcards about their own mental health and how accessing support helped them and improved their wellbeing. The Postcards were displayed in Wakefield fior the general public to see and some were collated in a book which was shared with residents in and around Wakefield through Doctor’s surgeries and libraries.
An event to showcase the organisations in the Positive Mental Health Network and the Postcards from Wakefield project was held at Wakefield Town Hall on 15 March 2019.
The event was filmed and can be viewed here
Andy's Man Club
We facilitated a support group that aims to provide emotional support for men. The club is a safe place for men to open up about their mental health and to reduce rates of suicide.
Supporting families affected by substance misuse
Since 1995 we have been offering support for those affected by a family members drug or alcohol mis-use. This included
- Drop-in service for people who need help and support immediately.
- Person centered counselling
- Complementary therapies
- Respite days out
- Emotional Freedom Technique and Nero Linguistic Programming
- A network of family and carer community-based support groups
- Family community rehab supporting families whilst their loved one undertakes a community detox. This service works jointly with the local drug treatment service, Turning Point.
- Training in life and coping skills
Rehab Programme funded by The Lloyds Bank Foundation
Send Me An Angel
This book was written by parents and carers who care for or are affected by a loved one’s drug and/or alcohol use. They share with you their journey in the hope that you realise that you are not alone going through this.
Some of the stories have also been written by recovering substance misusers, who have shared their story with you in the hope of bringing a greater understanding to you.
This project was funded by Wakefield District NHS and gave us the opportunity to break down the isolation and stigma that families and carers can feel.
Below is the link to the read online version. If you live in the Wakefield area many services, including libraries have this book or if you are a client of GASPED you can borrow a copy from our library.
Download the book today: SEND ME AN ANGEL
Supporting repeat victims of domestic abuse
Working in partnership with Spectrum Healthcare we supported repeat victims of domestic abuse.
If you need help, get in touch.
For non-judgemental and confidential support. Contact us today.
5a Cheapside, Wakefield, WF1 2SD
01924 787501
Contact Us
If you would like to contact the team at Gasped to find out more about the work we do or volunteer to help. Please use the contact form or visit us on any of our social media pages.
Please note: our mailboxes and social media pages are NOT monitored 24/7.
To refer, call our office or return a completed referral form to our email.